When I was a child, I became an avid reader at a young age. My love of fairy tales expanded to include writing stories, drawing comics, putting on plays, and performing puppet shows. My three siblings and I enjoyed playing board games, although to be honest I was at times a “board flipper”. Nevertheless, my biggest hobbies were reading, playing board games, solving puzzles, and doing craft projects.
As I got older, I learned that I could receive the approval from teachers that I was not receiving in other parts of my life by getting perfect grades at school. I was always eager to interact with teachers after school, joining many clubs and volunteering. Seeing my good grades and test scores, they encouraged me to go into engineering in college, a field I excelled at due to my puzzle-solving nature.
However, I was never a natural at engineering. I have always been a “jack-of-all-trades”, doing pretty well at anything I tried but not really being the top person at any one thing. This was in the early 80’s, when there were very few females in engineering.
As times changed, my career focus changed to computer science and although I have enjoyed the work, there was always something missing. Modern computer programmers frequently sit alone in their cubicles all day, with very little in-person interaction. Sure we IM or email, but often I talk to NO ONE all day long.
To use Myers-Briggs personality types, I am an ENFJ in an INTJ world. I am the “caretaker” who feels responsible for relationships and helping others and enjoys social interaction.
Many computer scientists are introverts, so being alone all day is FABULOUS! Hurray! People can just email them or slide notes under their door and they can be alone! However, for me this isolation is crushing.
But life got in the way. I married and had two wonderful children and that has been the most rewarding experience in my life. Engineering may not have been the best fit for me but it gave me a well-paying, flexible job that supports my family.
But children do not stay children forever. Beautiful Rose the Ranger is becoming more involved in her college life, as she should be. Young Carl the Cleric is growing up fast and will be moving out in a year as well. My nest is becoming empty and the components of my life need to change.
My daughter Rose crafted the lovely felt Baby Groot shown at the top of this story as a reminder that “We are Groot!”. We are all capable of being cut down and regrowing in new and wondrous ways. My friends, it is a time for GROWTH!
It is time for me to embrace my caretaker personality and take on the role of the bard. Through the stories on this site, let me share with you the parts of my life that have been growing and giving me such enjoyment.
I know many of you are the INTJ, introverted, logical personality types so common among my friends and co-workers. I understand that although you enjoy playing board games and fantasy stories are an important part of your life, social situations can be scary and draining. Let me show you how to reach out and expand this part of your life.
I hope it brings you the joy it has given me!
Bitzy the Bard
“Life is an adventure story and you are the star. Choose to play a hero!”