Bitzy the Bard loves to use her crafting power to create easy and inexpensive items to complement the gaming lifestyle. Listen to these stories about the different items you can make to express your love of science fiction, fantasy, and game playing.
For a list of all craft how-to stories, read the archives.
Recent Stories
Building a Bird Nest - Crochet a bowl that looks like a bird nest using jute twine for your Wingspan game
I’m stumped! - To add interest to your game, you can add small items like tree stumps to your forest crafted out of bottle caps.
Barking Up the Wrong Tree - There are times when your band of adventurers is travelling through old established forests. In these cases, I use large tree trunks in the terrain.
Out on a Limb - One simple and quick way to make miniature deciduous plants for your RPG game is to use aquarium plants.
Branching Out - One cheap way to make miniature trees for RPGs is to craft them out of Christmas garland.
See the Forest for the Trees - To bring wilderness encounters to life, I like to use miniature trees and plants. Here I show you how to make trees out of pine cones.
Show Some Initiative! - To keep track of PC initiative order and conditions during RPG combat, I like to use a magnetic board.
Looks Like a Boot – Feels Like a Sneaker - How to make spats for cosplay from second-hand boots and sneakers
I See a White Wall and I Want to Paint it Gray - Castle Tiles 5: Painting foam board castle tiles in RPGs
Building a Great Big Beautiful Wall - Castle Tiles 4: How to add walls to foam board castle tiles in RPGs
Making Room in Your Life - Castle Tiles 1: Discussion on different ways to make castle room tiles in tabletop RPGs
Crafts for Board Games
Building a Bird Nest - Crochet a bowl that looks like a bird nest using jute twine for your Wingspan game

Crafts for RPGs
Making Room in Your Life - Castle Tiles 1: Discussion on different ways to make castle room tiles in tabletop RPGs
Building a Great Big Beautiful Wall - Castle Tiles 4: How to add walls to foam board castle tiles in RPGs
I See a White Wall and I Want to Paint it Gray - Castle Tiles 5: Painting foam board castle tiles in RPGs
Show Some Initiative! - To keep track of PC initiative order and conditions during RPG combat, I like to use a magnetic board.
See the Forest for the Trees - To bring wilderness encounters to life, I like to use miniature trees and plants. Here I show you how to make trees out of pine cones.
Branching Out - One cheap way to make miniature trees for RPGs is to craft them out of Christmas garland.
Out on a Limb - One simple and quick way to make miniature deciduous plants for your RPG game is to use aquarium plants.
Barking Up the Wrong Tree - There are times when your band of adventurers is travelling through old established forests. In these cases, I use large tree trunks in the terrain.
I’m stumped! - To add interest to your game, you can add small items like tree stumps to your forest crafted out of bottle caps.

Crafts for Cosplay
Looks Like a Boot – Feels Like a Sneaker - How to make spats for cosplay from second-hand boots and sneakers