Begin at the Beginning

How to be a DM 2: What is the Role of a DM?

This is the 2nd of an 18 part series on How to be a DM. To start at the beginning, click here.

So if you want to take the plunge and learn how to become a DM, what do you do?

Let’s think about what a role playing game is. The most important thing to remember about RPGs is that they have two important elements right there listed in their name: role playing and game.

Primary Role is Storyteller

First and foremost, RPGs are about telling a story with others by playing roles. Story is king! This is the magical part of the experience. People are coming together and creating a story by expressing different parts of themselves through their character.

You may say “Well I am just playing at a being a fighter. It’s just pretend.” But every person at the table has a rich history that will somehow get reflected in the choices that their character makes.

As the DM, you are basically god of the world of your creation. You are nature and fate and chance. Your primary role as DM is to immerse your players in this new world that you are creating so that the feel like they are a part of it. That is when the magic happens!

But It’s Also a Game

But this is also a game. If there are no rules, you are just all making stuff up. There have to be well-defined rules that everyone understands. The world has to feel fair to the players.

There are manuals that define all of the rules of the different systems whether it be WoTC D&D, Pathfinder, Shadowrun, etc. You can buy the manuals and read them or watch YouTube videos explaining them.

But the critical thing to remember is that you are the god of this universe you are creating. The rules are what you say they are. You do not have to follow the rules as defined in anyone else’s manual. As long as you tell the characters what the rules are, then all is fair.

If you have a rules monkey in your group, you cut that short immediately. One does not argue with a god about the nature of the universe! You cannot let the rules take precedence over the story. Story is King!

You are the Conductor!

Orchestrate the Story as DMAs the DM, your primary job is to orchestrate the story. The players are each playing a different instrument and you must guide their actions so that beautiful music results.

You can come up with a detailed plot line for an adventure but that is just one way things could happen in your world. It is better to keep a basic plot in mind but allow the players to discover how it will happen in their world. You are the universe – they are the choices. Natural consequences occur based on their actions which create the story.

To be a good DM, you really have to do one thing. Try your best and your players will know it. These are your friends and they can see you are sincerely running the campaign for them. Nothing else matters.

So now that we know what your job is as a DM, what do you do? Keep reading because the first step is to Choose Your Universe.

Bitzy the Bard
“Life is an adventure story and you are the star. Choose to play a hero!”

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