One of the highlights of any GenCon trip is seeing all of the fun costumes attendees wear. Its always a blast to see the interesting, unique, and elaborate ideas people come up with. And it gives you a chance to see what’s popular in science fiction and fantasy that year.

Last summer, Rose and Bitzy decided to make costumes that would get attention at GenCon ’16. At that time, Pokemon Go was a phenomenon, so they decided to make coordinating Pokemon Go costumes.
Bitzy made a Pokemon trainer costume using a boy’s zip-up shirt altered to look like a trainer jacket. Target had a Pokemon hat and bike gloves that worked perfectly, so the only tricky part was a making a belt and pokeballs.

Bitzy glued and painted foam cutouts to a thrift store belt to look like the buckle. Meanwhile, Rose painted some plastic balls using acrylic paint to look like pokeballs. The balls were on clearance at Walmart and designed to be used with children’s ball pits.
The final touch was a backpack. Bitzy put some stuffed Pokemon toys inside it, peeking out, that had been borrowed from Carl the Cleric. Luckily, those pesky Pokemon couldn’t escape as they were pinned in place.
Rose decided to be everyone’s favorite Pokemon, Evee. To make her costume, Bitzy altered a dress pattern and added a fur collar and ears.
Finally the big day arrived and Bitzy and Rose traveled to Indianapolis for GenCon. They were a hit!
But that was the problem. They were inundated with requests from other attendees to take pictures with us. They were too trendy!
Within a couple of hours they were stopped over 60 times for photo ops while simply walking around the exhibit hall. It was a blast but it was too tiring so they had to call it quits early for the day.
Good thing they had simpler outfits for the other days of the con!